Proxy Minecraft Resources
⚠️ Minimum kernel version: TAIGO.ECore.DPC v. Proxying resources will allow you to download the necessary files from Forge and Mojang servers, which will later solve the problem with availabil
Last updated
⚠️ Minimum kernel version: TAIGO.ECore.DPC v. Proxying resources will allow you to download the necessary files from Forge and Mojang servers, which will later solve the problem with availabil
Last updated
⚠️We do not recommend changing the proxying settings without appropriate instructions from the studio staff!
Providers in some countries may block the receipt of data from some servers for the operation of our launchers, so we have added a resource proxying function. For example:
Open file configs/proxy.yml:
LibrariesMojangProxy - proxy for ForgeMavenProxy - proxy for ForgeFilesProxy - proxy for AssetsMojangProxy - proxy for
All saved files are stored in the Natives folder