FancyMenu v.3.X.X+

Log in to any server where you can stand in time to set up the ESC menu, Open the ESC menu

Click on Customization > Layouts > New > For Current Screen

Remove the Mode and Disconnect buttons via the context menu that opens when you right-click on them.

Right-click on any empty space, in the context menu that opens, click New Element > Button

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Anchor Point > Center Of Screen

Place the button in the right place and change it to the right size:

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Label > Set

Write Disconnect and click Done

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Edit Action Script

Click Add Action

Select Leave World or Server

Click Edit Action Value

Write title_screen and click Done

Click Done

Click Done

Click Layouts > Save

Save the file under the name esc.txt

Click Customization > Close Editor

Log out of the server and open the main menu of the game

Click on Customization > Layouts > New > For Current Screen

Delete all the extra buttons - I'm a Loner game, Multiplayer Game, Mod Settings, MineCraft Realms:

Right-click on any empty space, in the context menu that opens, click New Element > Button

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Anchor Point > Center Of Screen

Place the button in the right place and change it to the right size:

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Label > Set

Write the necessary text that you want to see on the button, click Done

Right-click on the button and in the context menu that opens, click Edit Action Script

Click Add Action

Click Join Server

Edit Action Value

Enter the IP address that connects the player to your minecraft server, which is connected to the launcher and click done

Click done

Click done

Click Layout > Save

Save the file under the name mainmenu.txt

Click Customization > Close Editor

Click Customization > Hide Menu Bar

Click Ok

Leave the game and open the explorer

Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\LAUNCHER NAME\resources\bin\TAIGO.ECore\minecraft

Copy the config folder to the config folder on the launcher server for your game server. You should be able to have a config folder with all the contents in the Servers/game server name/configs folder

🎉 Restart the launcher server and the launcher on your computer. Now the settings interface is for all players!

⚠️ You can also add additional elements, buttons, pictures and more by following the instructions or tutorials for the FancyMenu mod

⚠️ You can add several buttons to connect to servers and specify the server name that is specified in config.yml in the servers list for each individual game server. The launcher will detect this sub-server automatically and log in to it

Last updated