User rights

⚠️The minimum version: TAIGO.ECore; TAIGO.ECore.DPC v.8.0.6+

Permissions are required to manage the ability to access game servers.

Available rights to issue:

  • Admin (Weight 3)

  • Moderator (Weight 2)

  • User (Weight 1)

How do I grant rights to a user?

To grant rights to the user, you need to register the /role command in the launcher console

/role {username} {permission}


/role TaigoStudio Admin

How can I restrict the display of some server by rights in the launcher?

Go to config.yml of your launcher and set the minimum weight of the right that allows you to log in to the server

Table of values:

3: Admin

2: Admin, Moderator

1: Admin. Moderator, User

0: the default value

Last updated