FancyMenu v.2.X.X+

Log in to any server where you can stand in time to set up the ESC menu, Open the ESC menu

Click > Current Menu > Customization > On

Click Current Menu > Layout > New

Select Mods and Disconnect buttons

Remove it (Delete key or context menu)

Right-click on any available space to open the context menu

New Element > Button

Right-click on the created object and select from the context menu > Set Orientation > element

Paste vanillabtn:button_compatibility_id:mc_pausescreen_return_to_game_button

and click Done

Align the button to the width

Click RMB and Edit Label

Write {"placeholder":"local","values":{"key":"menu.disconnect"}} and click done

Click RMB > Manage Actions

Add action

Select minicbutton and click edit Action Button

Paste net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.PauseScreen:button_compatibility_id:mc_pausescreen_disconnect_button

and click Done

Add Action

Select opengui and edit action value

Paste net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.TitleScreen and click Done

Click done > done

Click Layout > Save

In the window that opens, save the file under the name esc

Click Layout > Exit > Confirm

⚠️ If you do not have a minicbutton, then select quitgame, because this version does not support access to the main menu

Go to the main menu of Minecraft and click > Current Menu > Layout > New

Delete the highlighted buttons

Right-click on any available space to open the context menu

New Element > Button

Select new element, click RMB > Set Orientation > mid-centered OR

element (vanillabtn:button_compatibility_id:mc_titlescreen_options_button)

Place the button in the right place and adjust its size

Click RMB > Edit label

Write {"placeholder":"local","values":{"key":""}} and click done

Click RMB > Manage Actions

Click add action

Select joinserver and click edit action value

Enter the IP address of your server for which you are making this interface and click done

Click done

Click done

Layout > Save

Save the interface under the name mainmenu

Click Layout > Exit > Confirm

Click FancyMenu logo

Go to the very end

Edit FancyMenu UI Scale to -1.0

Click done

Leave the game and open the explorer

Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\LAUNCHER NAME\resources\bin\TAIGO.ECore\minecraft

Copy the config folder to the config folder on the launcher server for your game server. You should be able to have a config folder with all the contents in the Servers/game server name/configs folder

🎉 Restart the launcher server and the launcher on your computer. Now the settings interface is for all players!

⚠️ You can also add additional elements, buttons, pictures and more by following the instructions or tutorials for the FancyMenu mod

⚠️ You can add several buttons to connect to servers and specify the server name that is specified in config.yml in the servers list for each individual game server. The launcher will detect this sub-server automatically and log in to it

Last updated